KCF Format

KCF (KEGG Chemical Function) format is the standard format used by RINGS and KEGG. An example of the KCF text for the fucosylated N-glycan core with a bisecting GlcNAc is given below.

ENTRY       Fuc_Bis_N        Glycan
NODE        7
            1     fuc     12.0     7.0
            2     glcnac     19.0     2.0
            3     glcnac     12.0     2.0
            4     man     5.0     2.0
            5     man     -2.0     7.0
            6     glcnac     -2.0     2.0
            7     man     -2.0     -3.0
EDGE        6
            1     1:a1     2:6
            2     3:b1     2:4
            3     4:b1     3:4
            4     5:a1     4:6
            5     6:b1     4:4
            6     7:a1     4:3

There are three major sections: ENTRY, NODE and EDGE.