RINGS is a web resource providing algorithmic and data mining tools to aid glycobiology research.
Many of the tools have been published in the literature;
RINGS provides free access to these methods for academic research.

When publishing papers, books, etc. using RINGS, please cite the following paper:
Akune Y, Hosoda M, Kaiya S, Shinmachi D, Aoki-Kinoshita KF. The RINGS resource for glycome informatics analysis and data mining on the Web. OMICS. 14(4):475-86, 2010.


  • New! DrawRINGS: 2D HTML5-based glycan structure drawing tool for generating KCF and IUPAC format and/or querying the RINGS database, which current contains the glycan structures from Glycome-DB and an internally curated data set from the literature.

  • Glycan Miner Tool: implemented based on Hashimoto et al., 2008 for mining alpha-closed frequent subtrees from a set of glycan structures

  • Glycan Pathway Predictor (GPP) Tool Ver.2: implemented based on Krambeck et al., 2005, which was later improved in Krambeck et al., 2009, for dynamically computing the N-glycan biosynthesis pathway from a given glycan structure
  • GlycomeAtlasV5: Visualization of glycome profiling data on human and mouse tissue samples, as described in Konishi et al., 2012. This latest release contains more detailed profile visualization functionality.

  • Glycan Kernel Tool: Glycan structure classification tool, based on Jiang et al., 2011, for finding distinguishing glycan substructures in a target data set compared to a control. The Kernel Tool is no longer supported. Please contact us if you would like the source code.

  • MCAW Tool: glycan structure multiple alignment tool. Align a set of glycan structures and visualize the result as a glycan profile. This tool can be used to find commonalities among a group of glycan structures.

  • TED-MCAW Tool: Glycan multiple alignment tool based on tree edit distance. Execute glycan multiple alignment for the query glycans, and visualize the result glycan profile as an image. In addition, JSON-based REST API is also available.

  • Profile PSTMM Tool : implemented based on Aoki-Kinoshita et al., 2006, generate glycan profiles from glycan structure data which can be entered together with binding affinity data, for example, for a particular biological sample
  • The ProfilePSTMM functionality is no longer supported. Please contact us if you would like the source code.


The utilities in grey are no longer supported. Please contact us if you would like the source code.


  • Help: brief users manual for the tools and utilities provided
  • What's new?: latest updates


Many of the methods behind the tools provided here (and more) are described in detail in Glycome Informatics: Methods and Applications.
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Soka University

This site has been supported by Grant-In-Aid for Young Scientists (A), KAKENHI (20016025), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
Last modified: February 19, 2021